Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Rob Fahey and Greg Marsh - Greyt Christmas

Rob Fahey & Greg Marsh - Greyt Christmas

In full disclosure, before I write this review, I should come clean. I consider Rob Fahey to be a close friend and I recorded the second track included on this disc.

I first heard “Greyt Christmas” as a rough demo without a chorus. I will admit, at that point it wasn’t my favorite Fahey track, but I felt it had potential. A week after that, Rob and Greg flew out to California to record the version that opens this single. I was surprised upon hearing a rough mix because it sounded like a different song! The choir effect on the chorus was a little jarring at first, but by the third listen, I loved it. The song was inspired by the greyhounds they have rescued and a few of the dogs’ racing names are mentioned in the lyrics.  As a matter of fact, all the money from this project is going to two greyhound associations. It’s worth buying for that reason alone, but the song itself is another Fahey classic. The second track is a solo Rob Fahey live recording of “Carol Of The Bells/Greensleeves” that starts off with a little improv. I record most Rob solo shows I attend and I also shoot video. I had a junk camera at the time, but with soundboard audio, I posted the video anyways. Rob fell in love with this version immediately and when he asked me to use it on this single, I was honored. There is so much going on that it’s hard to believe it’s only one person on the recording. Rob had previously released a studio version of “Greensleeves” in 2010 on his Christmas Card EP. The third track is a rocking version of “Joy to The World,” with vocals by Greg Marsh and backing from Rob Fahey and the Pieces. Recorded at The Deep End Studio with Tony Correlli, it is a fitting conclusion to this excellent single.

With a greyt cause behind it, I can’t recommend Greyt Christmas highly enough. 

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